Creative collisions in the heart of Montreal

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A first in Quebec

The CYBER HUB is the result of a common desire among our members: to make Quebec a world leader in protecting our essential infrastructures.
To achieve this, we needed a place, both physical and virtual, to bring together the cybersecurity and cyberresilience ecosystem;

From idea to solution

From solution to market

Talent for the 21st century

Collisions that shakes the Cyber world

Be part of the adventure!

Are you an entrepreneur looking to exchange with the industry decision-makers?

Are you part of an organisation that would like to join as a partner?

Become a member/partner of the CYBER HUB!

Upcoming activities

14 November

Cyber Café

“Identity management and access”

15 November

Cyber Nocturne

“Essential infrastructure

30 November

Cyberkit Webinar

“Ransomware A case study

6 December

Cyberkit Webinar

“Merchant Fraud


Cyberkit Webinar

topic to come

16 January

Cyber Café

topic to come

17 January

Cyber Nocturne

“Safeguarding the digital frontier: Exploring the convergence of AI for security and security for AI.

30 January

Cyber Rendez-vous

« Traquer les infrastructures adverses de façon proactive à l’aide des techniques de renseignement »

With the financial participation of :


Louis Vachon

Former President and Chief Executive Officer

We need to ensure that we have more and more local expertise, of good quality to be able to manage this [cybersecurity] issue [de cybersécurité]. It requires collaboration. It involves creating a critical mass of expertise.

Guy Cormier

President and Chief Executive Officer

Cybereco is the proof that with collaboration, we can accomplish great things.

Luc Sirois

Quebec’s Chief Innovator, Executive Director

If we want a future of cybersecurity, it’s much more than technology. It’s trust, it’s resilience, it’s security for our citizens, our users and our businesses.

André Boucher

First Vice-President & Chief Information Security Officer

We each have an opportunity to take our passion to get things done. We have to stop looking at the problem, we have to get involved. Something has to be done and Cybereco allows us to take this kind of gesture.

Sylvain Berger

Partner – Risk Advisory

The reason we created Cybereco is to protect people, create talent, protect the economy.

Jean-Sébastien Pilon

Vice President & Chief Information Security Officer

Cybereco is a catalyst that brings us together to accelerate innovation.

Nora Cuppens

Full professor

Cybereco is not in the future, Cybereco is in action.

Jean Le Bouthillier

Founder and President

Cybereco events boost the ecosystem.

Lise Lapointe

Former president and founder

It’s important to come together to develop the market.